Team > Andreas Wüst

Faculty of Humanties and Social Sciences
African Politics and Development Policy
Short Bio:
Andreas Wüst is a PhD student in political science at the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS). Prior to his graduation by State Examination in 2017, he studied Classics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and Université Paris IV Sorbonne. He has also contributed to a number of projects in the field of democratic development work in Tunisia and Morocco and worked for the German Permanent Mission at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva with a focus on the arab muslim world. Furthermore he was engaged as a PR officer at the Goethe Institute in Brussels where he got involved into the organization of a conference on euroscepticism and radicalisation. Just before joining BIGSAS in April 2019, he was an editor trainee for political science books at the publishing house C.H. Beck and worked as a research assistant at German Bundestag.

Faculty of Humanties and Social Sciences
African Politics and Development Policy
PhD Project:
My dissertation project examines how regimes make use of cultural policies in order to assure the persistence of their rule through means of cultural legitimation. Therefore I will study the different cases of cultural policies in Tunisia, Mali and Morocco in particular. All of these countries are – directly or indirectly – affected by the Arab Spring, seen as a situation of major challenge to the legitimacy claims of the respective regimes to which they had to react. In my analysis I combine cross-case and within-case comparisons and use the actor-centred institutionalism by Mayntz and Scharpf as an analytical tool. My study thus aims at providing some new theoretical insights into the interdependence and mutually reinforcing effects of cultural policies and regime stability.
- Said AlDailami: Jemen - der vergessene Krieg, unter Mitarbeit von Andreas Wüst, C.H. Beck, München 2019.

Faculty of Humanties and Social Sciences
African Politics and Development Policy
Andreas Wüst
Doctoral Candidate