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Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

African Politics and Development Policy – Professor Dr. Alexander Stroh

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You can find an overview of available courses for the Master's programme Development Studies here. Changes in the schedule may apply. For more information, please check cm-life or eLearning.

Winter Term 2024/2025

56221 Introduction to Development StudiesHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Mon, 12-14; English; H20 - NW II; MA DevStud A1

50078 Introduction to Development Studies Tutorial Hide

Julião Alar, Leiyo Singo

Thu, 10-12; English; S70 - NW II; MA DevStud A1

50076 Regional Integration for DevelopmentHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Tue, 8-10; English; S7 - GW II; MA AfrStud B2/D1/G, MA DevStud B3/F1 (old B3/A5), MA KuGeA B3/B4

50071 Analyzing Elections in AfricaHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg, Julião Alar

Tue, 14-16; English; S101 - FAN A; MA AfrStud D4/G, MA KuGeA B3/B4, MA DevStud B1 (old B2)

50074 Research Seminar in Comparative African PoliticsHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg, Julião Alar

tbd; English; Ma DevStud M1, MA KuGeA G3, Ma AfriStud M1, EIMAS

Summer Term 2024

50031 Democratic Development in Sub-Saharan AfricaHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Mon, 12-14; English; S5 - GW II; MA AfrStud D1/G (KuGeA B3/B4), DevStud F1/B3/E1 (old A5/B3), EIMAS 2

50008 Research Seminar Comparative African PoliticsHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Tue, 8-10; English, S8 - GW II; MA DevStud M1, MA AfrStud M1 (KuGeA G3)

56301 Einführung in die Politik Afrikas und die EntwicklungspolitikHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Tue, 14-16; German; H6 - Geo I; BA InAS E1-II (KuGeA B3-I)

50033 The Developmental State in Africa and beyondHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Wed, 8-10; English; S5 - GW II; MA AfrStud D2/G (KuGeA B3/B4), MA DevStud F1/B1/E1 (old A5/B1), EIMAS 1

Winter Term 2023/2024

56220 Introduction to Development StudiesHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Mon, 12-14; English; H27 - GW II; MA DevStud A1

50078 Introduction to Development Studies (Tutorial)Hide

Julião Alar

Tue, 14-16; English; MA DevStud A1

50077 Analyzing Political Violence in Sub-Saharan AfricaHide

Julião Alar

Tue, 10-12; English; MA AfrStud B2/D4/G, MA KuGeA B3/B4, MA DevStud B1 (old B2)

50008 Research Seminar Comparative African PoliticsHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Tue, 8-10; English; MA DevStud M1, MA KuGeA G3

50075 Deutsche AfrikapolitikHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Tue, 14-16; German; BA InAS E6, BA KuGeA, BA kuG/Soz, IWE SERG

50076 Regional Integration for DevelopmentHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Wed, 10-12; English; MA AfrStud B2/D1/G, MA DevStud B3/F1 (old B3/A5), MA KuGeA B3/B4

Summer Term 2023

56301 Einführung in die Politik Afrikas und die EntwicklungspolitikHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Tue, 14-16; German; BA KuGeA B3-I, B4; KF Soziologie C, BA KuG Soz: SozEntw II, SozM, IWE: SERG

50053 Elections and Electoral Violence across Africa Hide

Julião Alar

Tue, 10-12; English; InAS E5; BA KuGeA B2II; IWE: SERG

50008 Research Seminar Comparative African PoliticsHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Tue, 8-10; English; MA DevStud M1, MA KuGeA G3

50006 Courts, Judges and Development Hide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Mon, 14-16; English; MA KuGeA B3/B4, DevStud A5/B1, EIMAS 1, MA Soz C1/C3

50031 Democratic Development in AfricaHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Wed, 8-10; English; MA KuGeA B3/B4, DevStud A5/B3, EIMAS 2, MA Soz C1/C3

50040 Comparative African Politics: ‘Africa is not a country’Hide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg, Stephanie Inge Rudwick (UHK), Antonio Pezzano (UNIOR)

Block Seminar; English; MA KuGeA B3/B4, DevStud A5/B3/E1, MA Soz C1/C3

Seminar in cooperation with the Universities of Hradec Kralove, L’Orientale Napoli, and Science Po Bordeaux; preliminary registration required until 28 February 2023 (if more than 6 students register, a short selection process has to take place); 4 online lectures from April to June & a one-week workshop in the 2nd week of July in Hradec Kralove (travel subsidies available).

Winter Term 2022/2023

56220 Development Studies between Concepts and Practices: An Interdisciplinary PerspectiveHide

Matthew Sabbi

Mon, 14-16; English; H 27 - GW II; MA DevStud A1, MA KuGeA B2

56001 Gesellschaften Nordafrikas im Spiegel aktueller EntwicklungspolitikenHide

Andreas Wüst

Tue, 14-16; German; S 5 - GW II; BA KuGeA B3 II/B4, BA InAS E5

56000 State and Society in MozambiqueHide

Julião Alar

Tue, 10-12 Uhr; English: S 35 - NW I; BA KuGeA B5, BA InAS A4

Summer Term 2022

​56300 Entwicklungspolitik - EinführungHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Tue, 14-16; German; BA KuGeA B3 I/B4, KF Soziologie C, IWE SERG

00333 Research Seminar in Comparative African PoliticsHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Tue, 8:30-10:00; English; upon invitation & Master students who are writing or plan to write their thesis with a member of this professorship.

56340 Regional Integration for DevelopmentHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Wed, 10-12; English; MA Development Studies

​00362 The Developmental State in Africa and beyondHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Mon, 14-16; English; MA Development Studies

00366 Organizing Recovery: Post-Conflict transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa Hide

Rainer Schmidt

Mon, 16-20; English

Winter Term 2021/2022

00181 Research Seminar in Comparative African PoliticsHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Tue, 8.30-10.00; English; upon invitiation & Master students who are writing or plan to write their thesis with a member of this professorship.

00347 Globale Entwicklungsagenden: Hintergründe, Prozesse, AkteureHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg

Tue, 14-16; German; HS12 NW I; BA KuGeA B3-II, BA KuG Soz, BA IWE SERG, etc.

56220 Development Studies between Concepts and PracticeHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg et alii

Mon, 14-16; English; HS27 GW II; MA DevStud A1, MA KuGeA B2, etc.

Summer Term 2021

00235 Democratic Development in Sub-Saharan AfricaHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg
Mon, 14-16; English; MA DevStud A5/B3; EIMAS 2

00333 Research Seminar in Comparative African PoliticsHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg
Tue, 08-10; English; MA DevStud M1

00330 Courts, Judges and DevelopmentHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg, Diana Kisakye
Wed, 10-12; English; MA DevStud A5/B1, EIMAS 1

56201 Development TheoriesHide

Alzbeta Svablova
Thu, 08-10; English; MA DevStud A4

56300 Entwicklungspolitik - EinführungHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg
Tue, 14-16; German; BA KuGeA B3 I/B4, KF Soziologie C, IWE SERG

Winter Term 2020/2021

56220 Development Studies between Concepts and Practices: An Interdisciplinary PerspectiveHide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg
Tue, 08-10; English; MA KuGeA B1; MA DevStud A1

00347 Entwicklungspolitik - Akteure, Arbeitsfelder, Konzepte (Deutsche Afrikapolitik)Hide

Alexander Stroh-Steckelberg
Tue, 14-16; German; BA KuGeA B3-II, B4; KF Soziologie: C; BA Soziologie: C5; IWE SERG

56202 Entwicklungssoziologie - Soziologie Afrikas (Gender und Entwicklung in Afrika)Hide

Alzbeta Svablova
Thu, 08-10; German; BA KuGeA B2-II, B4; KF Soz.: C; BA Soz.: C5; IWE SERG

Study programs with curricular compulsory modules of African Politics and Development Policy

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